A get lost poxy day

How is it when I bring Wom into our room before 5 I get grumped at, but when someone else does it, it's ok?.......

Up showered dressed breakfasted and on our way by 9:20 to see a room on the broom sculpture trail.

Slightly scary journey there due to a ?polish? Articulated lorry driving the wrong side of the road as I was coming off the M50! Luckily spotted him from a distance and pulled right over.... He looked at tad shaken at my flashing lights and blasting of horn. Thankfully he realised and pulled onto the correct side. The M50 is a dual carraigeway so easily done as they exits / entrances are next to eachother rather than like on proper motorways.

Arrived. Met the swimming mummies. Had a fabulous time with all the children loving it. Yummy lunch too.

Headed home so Wom would sleep. Sat nav died and I didn't have the cable, got hideously lost, with Lee's car telling me I needed fuel! Ended up going back to where I had started and managed to get into the right road.

Home, played. Tea.
Bath, bed sleep.

Poxy boy has more spots but lots crusting over already. The itching had started.

There was a fabulous room on the broom trail, but this gruffalo was also there and was happy to pose for photos.

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