Traces of the past

A sight, a sound or a smell to tell you that someone was here before you. 

OK, that's about as deep as I can get this morning. I'm still not used to the noises of everyday life but it's only a matter of time I'm sure.

Very enjoyable boy's night last night. First outing for my newly purchased taste card. I saved about £7 on my food bill, so I'm well on the way to recovering my £29.95 joining fee.

Signed up for a challenge at the gym yesterday. Idea is to row 100km during the month of April. Winner is the person who rows the furthest. I'm 7 days behind everyone else having only signed up yesterday, but I did my 1st 10km row yesterday and plan to do another 10km today, so I should have reigned in some of my competitors by then.  I'm aiming for 200km. If that isn't enough to win, I will just settle for the giant's shoulders and rock hard abs that this is going to give me (in my dreams)

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