If you could live your life over?

What would you do differently?

Kind of the premise for a book I am reading called 'The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August'. Basically, Harry is born, same time, same place, same parents and same Harry over and over but each life pans out differently to the one before it as Harry has choices and those choices decide the direction that life takes him. The catch is that Harry remembers everything from his previous lives so has the benefit of hindsight. The big question is does that lead him to make better choices?

The book is more complex than that in that there is a bigger underlying story but I won't spoil it for anyone who might choose to read it and besides, I'm only 73 pages in so I don't know much more than this right now. Enjoying it though.

So, back to my question. Well I'm not going to answer it on the basis that I may incriminate myself and put my foot in it. I usually do when thinking out aloud. It does get you thinking though.

P.S. brought myself a nice pen today. Impulse buy but the only one this week so I did well.

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