A stolen day

I had a very cheeky day's holiday today at short notice and have enjoyed a super day in 20C sunshine.

After a relaxed morning at home, I went to Leighton Buzzard to get more information on swim spas. The salesman did a very good job, talking me through things but I think the figures are going to be tough to get right.

Then I invited myself to C and S's. They kindly invited me to stay on for dinner and so I enjoyed a relaxing afternoon with them all, and especially loved being out on their new sunny patio again. A pair of red kites nest very close by and were a great sight to see flying low above the house. The garden has loads of lovely song birds and is going to be fab for the children growing up. Lucky them. A friend of C's from NCT came with her baby (to get away from her foreign in laws) so it was a jolly gathering.

C and S were pretty concerned about their consultant's comments today that Teddy is not growing as he should be, height wise. He's right at the bottom of the percentile chart and there is a suggestion that he may not grow to be taller than 5'2''. This is not 'likely' but possible. I can't help thinking it'll all come out in the wash. He may be a tiddler but he's just fine with everything else. It must be a worry for them though.

Tilly is having three hours a day out of her leg harness while they wean her off it and loves kicking her legs around freely. Here she is with Flopsie who she seems to like a lot.

After dinner, we retired to their new sitting room with an lovely open fire and considered which pictures might look good where. We chewed the fat and then I came home to read all about why I should get a swim spa!

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