bucks life

By bucksmiss

A riot of colour

I meant to get to the office early today to catch up but found myself pressing snooze on the alarm more than once.

I sat at my desk from 9am to 5.30pm without a break except about five brief trips to the printer. My knees seized up and my eyes turned square. My assistant drove me mad by not learning from her mistakes; not starting at the beginning; doing half a job; lacking precision; and relying on me to be her effing proof reader. Her terrible grammar is really annoying me at the moment too. I spend a lot of time defending her to colleagues but it's wearing thin right now. To be a bit fair to her she's on holiday next week so is a little demob happy and I've given her a lot to do, but I don't feel like being fair right now. Either way, I had to escape. (Rant over).

When I got home L had bought steaks, joy of joys, so I did a few jobs and am now chilling, catching up on some telly. It'll be another early night I feel...

My blip is of my teeny weeny front garden. It's always good in spring then trails off so I'm blipping it while it's looking colourful. I love wallflowers as they remind me of my Grandpa. He always planted them in our garden when we were little. And of course, they smell divine.

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