A camouflaged Bee fly & fallen blossom

Another lovely sunny day though very gusty which makes it feel a little chilly.

Thanks to everyone who commented, starred & favourite-ed my Red Kite shot yesterday.You won't believe but the same chap fle over me again today & I got another good shot. Its not here today as I don't like being too repetitive. Instead my offering is a Bee fly of which there are lots in the garden again today despite the strong wind.

The garden is really growing up fast and I notice that my nieghbour's pear & plum trees have blossom on them. We have some old English marigolds out  as well as lots of violets.

We inherited a couple of garden seats from Daph, one of which I have cleaned & retreated today. I'm really pleased as it looks a lot better than it did.

C has gone to see her mum and I am looking at the route for our getaway next weekend.

Stu was still tidying up next door but had to pack up because he was due at his sisters. He didn't really want to go as he has been enjoying himself cutting trees down and general tidy up jobs.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend 

Pip pip tallyho !


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