
Hannah and I agreed last week that I was still lacking on the full walking ability front. After 20 minutes I am pretty much done for the day and quite often much of the next day too. We like a plan so devised a cracking one with Jays help of going back to the physiotherapist I last saw in December.

I went today, it was lovely to see her. She called her boss over and between them agreed that my ex-broken foot had a collapsed arch and I needed support. I was told to return at 5pm with £25 in cash. It all sounded fantastically dodgy. ( it really wasn't but the real story doesn't make such a good story). Anyway, I returned at the appointed time and got these little insoles fitted. And then walked across the room with absolutely no pain at all. Both feet felt exactly the same as each other - this hasn't happened since this sorry tale started. I am very excited by the whole thing, especially as he said the whole swelling nonsense should now start going down. I have good summer wear options too, it is bloody brilliant, I tell you.

In other news, work exploded today. I seemed to spend my day (constructively) telling people off....,

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