bucks life

By bucksmiss


I’m really enjoying life right now.  Today was another gorgeous day and I am in the fantastic position of being able  to take full advantage of the weather, after a good morning’s work. Thank goodness for part time hours. That’s a decision I cannot see me ever regretting, at least let’s hope not.


I changed into my sundress on leaving the office at lunchtime and went straight to J’s to drop off the curtain material.  I admired her new hall décor, believe it or not leopard print beige flock on a softly reflective silvery background, above painted panelling of light grey.  Sounds awful but looked fabulous.


Then I wended my way cross-country through some very pretty  villages I’ve never driven through before, always something I enjoy.  The car showed 21C (27C when it had been parked in the sun)  today. I drove with the windows down and the R4 afternoon play on.   Passing one large open field with no hedgerows I drove  parallel with a large deer elegantly leaping and bounding its way from one end to the other.  A marvellous sight indeed.  


I decided to take my camera out for an hour's  walk and parked somewhere I have often parked while waiting for the head shrink but never bothered to get out and take a stroll.  Today I did, compete with sun cream, sandals and camera bag.  I could feel some anxiety as I set off but I talked myself through it and once I got going I really enjoyed the walk.  I walked along a disused concrete airfield road and enjoyed many sky larks both in sound and vision, a playful flock of goldfinches, some dancing butterflies and I even saw a swallow.  Of course, one swallow doesn't make a summer but today it certainly felt like early summer.  I saw another swallow but think it might have been the same one doing  around trip! My blip is of an ash bud shot with the macro lens, something I haven’t played with for a while.


I then read some more of Mummy’s diary as part of my prep for the head shrink and tried to stay with the feelings it evoked. In  consequence I think I had one of the best head shrink sessions I've ever had. He got me thinking about rigid 'concrete' beliefs versus 'feelings' and I am slowing starting see there might be another way of approaching things from a completely different angle that may well be a better way of living for me.  Fingers crossed. I think I am starting to ‘connect’ more with parts of myself and, as I had promised myself to work on ‘connections’ as my new year ‘word’ this year, this makes me feel really good and like I am getting somewhere.


Then it was over to Bedford to visit S and E.  We sat  out and then enjoyed  a lovely salad dinner.  I admired her new grey interior and we browsed ideas for lighting and rugs and chewed the fat. I felt so relaxed this evening and feel that I am really appreciating being in the present and taking time to enjoy life and not rushing all the time.


The only downer was that I hit a badger on my way home as I couldn’t swerve because of an oncoming car. 

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