bucks life

By bucksmiss


After a slow start, I made it to Stowe a little early in glorious sunshine that has endured all day. I mooched around the Inn museum and shop and bought a scarf for work before my sis arrived. We then sat down outside the cafe and had an open and honest conversation about the other day. We were kind and loving to each other and talked over the things we needed to. We explained things from our different perspectives, listened to each other, heard each other, understood each other, reassured each other, forgave each other and moved on. We even had a giggle about some of the stuff, which was such a relief.

I am truly blessed to have the most marvellous and understanding sister and a family who really do care about me as much as I care about them. I have definitely learnt something important and made some personal progress over the last few days and whilst I have felt a little bruised (and managed to hurt my sis in the process) I think overall it has actually brought my sis and me closer. That can only be a good thing.

We then walked round one of the lakes at Stowe for an hour amongst the geese, lambs, families picnicking and beautiful scenery. My blip is of the unique Gothic Temple (a Landmark Trust property that you can hire to stay in). It's my favourite part of Stowe grounds. Teddy was awake in the sling and enjoyed every minute of the walk, making all sorts of funny noises. We then headed back up to the cafe for lunch and sat outside in the courtyard.

I had a quick visit to Boycott farm before heading over to C's house to introduce myself to the neighbours and leave my number in case of emergencies. I sorted out the keys and met my stepmum who was doing the garden as the tenants are moving in in 2weeks. I got a couple of keys cut and had a welcome iced coffee in Costa before heading home.

I've now got a roast pork belly and Boulangere potatoes in the oven ready for dinner later. Perfect.

Another day where I have grown and improved as a person I think.

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