Squidge insisted on a picnic after nursery in the lounge. Her happy demeanour continues, long may it last - it certainly helps when I'm feeling out of sorts!

Stayed close to home today. The emails and phones were quiet - SFS in PR land (Sunny Friday Syndrome). And I was relieved as I was able to get back on top of things at my own slow pace without interruption from clients with fresh demands! Felt much improved today. Although my throat still kills I have lost the aches/pains and fever. So must be on the mend!

I has my counselling session again this afternoon (missed last week's because of Edinburgh). They are brilliant sessions. I always come away feeling so much clearer. They are so self-indulgent though. Talking at someone about your life and anxieties. It's crazy when you think about it in the cold light of day! But hey, it helps and I would never have realised how much until I tried it so am no longer a doubter!

Lovely weekend ahead. A day with my sister and her baby tomorrow and then a Christening (with the Invisible Husband making an appearance on his one day off this week Grrrrr) in Notts on Sunday. I have lots to try and get better for so another early night for me is on the cards! Appetite's back so there's a pizza in the oven and some chocolate for afters. Oops!

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