venue extraordinaire

mum and i met the bride and groom at this stunning wedding venue today. mum is florist and i'm photographer for the day and so it was good to have a nose around and figure out what we're going to do.

utterly amazing venue, which has been masterfully converted to be tailor made for wedding parties. luxurious bridal suite with secret bookcase door into the bridesmaids suite, the best bathrooms i've ever seen, a hot tub looking out over the shropshire countryside and, thankfully, incredible amounts of natural light, perfect for photographs. the owner of the house was super lovely. mum and i giggled on the way back as we recalled her casually dropping into conversation the castle she owns in scotland, her property portfolio and her most recent project, building a brand new house for antigua! i want her to be my bff.

itching to do the wedding now, but have to wait till july.

the rest of the day was spent faffing around in the office, throwing away things that should have been thrown away about 8 years ago. and a trip to the tip. spring cleaning is my favourite thing.

spicy beans and a beer to end a good day.

(i forgot to mention that we went to the new percy throwers for breakfast and, embarrassingly, we were there before it even opened. i cannot wait to be a pensioner - this will be my life).

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