Spikes and Droplets

Back to the clematis today, this time a different one. We have four varieties blooming in the garden right now and they always fascinate me, especially the large ones like this example. Went in a little closer this morning while a light drizzle was still falling using two close up attachments in tandem : a 2x and a 4x. This is about as close as I can go without resorting to a bellows. Add a little diffuse glow and this is the result.
I have already put my eye on tomorrows blip. A secret but suffice it to say that it wont be a million miles away from this particular bloom. All depends on it not pouring rain early in the morning. After that it's away to Cork to visit my daughter for the long Bank Holiday weekend. Might have to back blip if I can't get near a connection to the wonders of the web.

Ps. A few days ago, on the 27th to be exact, I uploaded a shot called "Alternative View", looking up from underneath a clematis bloom. Well, not quite. One or two correspondents thought it might have been shot under water, which didn't surprise me at all. In fact it was a reflection in a piece of self adhesive mirrored foil stuck to a piece of stiff card. On this occasion I didn't bend the card but this can be done and results in strange and sometimes very beautiful warped images. Try it some time.

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