Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Shield Bug

Shield bug, in the conifer.

I probably spend too much time immersed in the conifer.
There are a few different shield bugs in there.

Yesterday, there was unusual movement deep within (I'm still talking conifers here) and I found myself face to face with a little goldcrest. Even with the camera to hand I was way too slow to capture an image, but at least I know they're there. (I do see them on the very odd occasion, but never so near).

The poached pears of yesterday appeared to turn out ok. We haven't eaten them yet. They're supposed to keep well (?) so we're engaged in a battle of wills, them and me.  (I'm testing them for endurance, owing to the fact that a pud which can be prepped days ahead of requirement is a Thing To Be Noted for those long days of Christmas when you want to bring out something new that you haven't had to slave over but equally, doesn't look like yet another tired old leftover...  Sometimes I plan Christmas waaay too far ahead...
Too much information perhaps?)

A shield bug then.
A Juniper Shieldbug this one, I think.

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