First Love

But first a bit about earthquakes. Today, there was an area wide Earthquake/Tsunami drill scheduled for 2:00 pm. Upon completion of the drill, a pamphlet was distributed providing information about what to do in the events of an earthquake followed by a tsunami. There was a section titled: Most Earthquake Damage is Caused by Shaking....


Anywho, the topic of the day is "First Love". This morning, I decided to take a couple photos of some lovely glass pieces that are placed in a narrow little window above the shower with the morning sun shining through them. Initially, this had nothing to do with our topic either, but wait for it...wait for it...

I don't know why I wanted to take the photos with the shower running, but I did, so the first shot (top) was clear and the glass was very sparkly and pretty and the shower was incidental. Quickly, however, the steam built and the shot clouded (bottom) and the glass faded, making the shower prominent.

Later, while contemplating Jesus' words in the last book of the Bible, 'Revelation' which is the revelation of Christ to the chapter 2, verse 4, following a complement to the church of Ephesus, it says, "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love", I asked a couple of friends what they think of when they think about returning to their 'first love' as indicated in scripture. One of them talked about his first love (now his wife) and how he hung on every word she said. He said that your first love is when you shower all your love on someone and everything else fades, so our first devotion to Christ is when we fell in love with Him and everything else faded away and became less important...then I thought about the images of the shower and the glass.

This is now my summary of those thoughts about first love today.

Having nothing to do with the picture or 'first love' I want to record here a link to grammapat's blip which is a very special picture of my great niece wearing a little Easter dress I wore as a little girl. I passed it along to her and my parents delivered it. This is very special to me!

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