A View from the Art Gallery...A Pano

I had a trip up to the art gallery with my friend who was entering one of her paintings into the Border Art Prize. It was a particularly gorgeous day and I had planned to do a long exposure over the hinterland as it was windy and the clouds were moving fast.....get some nice movement and all of that.

DUH! we came in my friends car and my tripod was in mine...that put the kibosh on that little idea.
After smoozing around the art gallery for a while and a sneaky and naughty cup of coffee we headed to the coast (stopping off here and there to take pics) where we sat on the  windy headland for nearly an hour just taking it all in....and I decided to practice blurry shots of some lovely pink pea flowers....(which I will post in a mo as an extra). I am still practicing and I don't think really good enough yet....however its all grist for the mill...I just love learning new things...even though it can be rather frustrating at times.

“Perserverence is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”


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