On their way

Tammy & Tom back to London, Marmaduke to his new home in the hills. Fingers crossed all round. I’ll miss T & T, who have been great guests and am now experiencing the hazards of adopting a dog of unknown origin.
Marmaduke  (Duke for short and ease of pronounciation) was no problem in the car, or when we met HH and our caretakers (for the house) at the club. They had driven HH there and were waiting to take Duke to his new home, while we had lunch. They got him home fine, and he settled in the run with no difficulty. The problems started when we arrived and let him out (on a lead), with his aggressive reaction to Kayla. He obviously thinks I’m his personal property, and no one else can come near me.
Well, we tied them both up where they could see, but not touch, each other, and later put him down in the run for the night. Naturally, he started crying at around 10 pm, so I went down to bring him back up to the verandah. Let’s hope constant nearness will evolve into acceptance and friendship.

Reports are that HH has done really well in my absence. He tramped all round town yesterday, looking unsuccessfully for one of his Parkinsons meds. The caretaker was most impressed with his stamina.

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