Sun and shade

The dogs passed the night in peace, but Duke was still wanting to attack Kayla. She obviously thinks the best policy is to ignore and just does her own thing. I let her off the lead, which she has to be on at night to prevent her from hunting porcupines etc, and followed her down to the back gate with Duke on his lead.

During the day, we've taken them for a few tours of the garden and out for a couple of walks, again with Duke on the lead and Kayla running free, and the aggression appears to be reducing slowly. Hoping sincerely that familiarity will end in friendship - otherwise, I'll have to find the lad a new home, and that won't be easy. Meanwhile, he thinks he's King of the Road and barks furiously at every person and dog he sees. He may turn out to be more of a watchdog than we really want.

The whole day seems to have been devoted to dogs, and I've only just remembered I have to deliver a translation first thing tomorrow. So starting work at 8.30 pm (blip came first, of course).

Hope you've all had a good weekend - and also that I'll be able to catch up with everyone's blips this week.

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