
"You're 39!!!" This cheeky child giggled at me as she bounced on the bed (i am definitely not!)

5years 188days
Fairly early start this morning from the girl yet we still were in a serious rush for school! We cycled and made it in time though. She had fun playing out on the field at lunchtime and was saying again about how her cartwheel is getting better, the big girls like to come play and help them I think. She was also pleased that the whole class did outside PE again - "snakes, gruffalos owls AND foxes again!! All the teams!" This is the second time in her school career the entire foundation unit have done PE together. She said it's more fun outside. Inside PE didn't capture her imagination much.
We cycled to town after school. There things went a little wonky. She fell off her bike as we approached a woodland path we go along. As it happenedd a lovely lady from church was walking by and she stopped, helping to move the bikes while I sorted Katie. She has done a bit of a nasty job of grazing her leg and other knee, but has come out of it much better than she could have. It was sore for her cycling the rest of the way into town though. A big babyccino and a flake helped though and she cycled cheerfully to rainbows. I cycled home and collected the car, thinking she would like that. She was put out about it! Until she realised getting to the car that it in fact hurt still!

She's laid next to me as I type. Her arm is tight round monkey. She's looking especially beautiful and little and squishable.

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