On the Bog

I had a very specific goal today. There are quite a few Spring fungi, but they are not always easy to find, This one, the Bog Beacon (Mitrula paludosa) is quite reliable if you know where to look. This little community grow on a small Yorkshire Wildlife Trust reserve near us called Agden Bog. Wellies on. 
Fungi might not be as flighty as birds and insects, but they can be quite challenging to capture, especially when it means crouching in a bog.
It was supposed to be a quick outing, but it was too tempting to press on to where I was hopeful of seeing the unspeakably cute Bank Voles and some confiding birds. Today's best posers were Song Thrush and Nuthatch
Good news is that 2 of Sheffield's Peregrine eggs have hatched. If you are patient, you can see the little white fluffballs here on the live webcam

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