
This is Hoppity our seemingly orphaned patio bunny. He has appeared from nowhere, because in all my years of living in this area there have never to my knowledge been any rabbits in the Meadows.
There is nowhere for them to burrow and certainly not in the immediate vicinity of the Dower House where it needs a pick axe to break through the clay and stone.

He spends a lot of time camouflaged in his hiding spot behind a stone flower pot before emerging to nibble the grass. Where he spends his nights I have no idea but he seems quite healthy.

We went up to Perth today to take His Lordship's brother out for lunch at Heathery Ford near Kinross.
I was startled to see from my vantage point in the dining room, the unmistakable frame of Alec Salmond in the lounge.
I think he must have seen me too because he didn't come into the dining room.
Now that would have been a blip to strike terror into some of your hearts.

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