Nieces and treehouses

Managed to not have too big a fight with Angus when he got home last night in the end. Had calmed down. Settled for a gin and tonic and a lie-in this morning (his punishment) in the end.

He found out last night he has his first consultancy work offer if he leaves his current job. Despite the massive strain on finances, I still want him to go for it. As a family, we have suffered whilst he has been in this job - not to mention what it has done to our relationship.
I need my husband back and Squidge needs her Dad back, even if we are living on beans on toast in our new house. It's worth it!

Went up to see my sister in Saddleworth today and it was great, had a right whinge to her and she just listened with her beautiful daughter bobbing away in her sling. The house felt really tranquil and the change of scene was great. My niece is quite possibly the most beautiful, best behaved baby I have ever met.

Squidge and I had a bit of time together in Uppermill afterwards. I took her to see the ducks and to the park and afterwards we had a lovely wander down the high street and into a charity shop where we found a treehouse toy for £2.50! She hasn't stopped playing with it since. Best £2.50 I've ever spent, beats those stupidly expensive kids magazines we have fallen into the trap of buying with the free plastic toys any day!

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