Buzzard at sunset

I was watching the sunset from Peak District moorland - Red Grouse going "G'Back,G'Back", Curlews crying and Meadow Pipits tweeting - when the Buzzard appear from the right and sailed right across the valley into the sunset.

I tried on 6 styles of waterproof shoe/boot each in different 2 sizes; exhausted I nearly gave up and then I think found some that fit :-)

The shop is a strange one - there is probably one near you - stack 'em high, sell them at some random price. Today there was 20% off everything in the store ( yes again !) and of course that included items already marked SALE. All the shoes I tried on except the ones that I liked and that fit already had much reduced SALE prices so the assistant was very apologetic no these are £119.99. I was so pleased to have found some that fitted I just breathed slowly and decided to buy them.

At the till the random number generator decided they were £59.99 less the 20% off everything (yes again!).

I hope they prove a good purchase as its not often I find a pair of shoes that seem comfortable for both feet in the shop.

Not for the first time this weird shopping experience makes me doubt the quality of the product - I, other family members and neighbours have all had very mixed results with purchases there with a few returns and a few disappointments.

Fingers crossed!

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