wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

I'm walking at lunchtime

Oohh and don't it feel good?
I ordered a new Fitbit today. My old one died a while ago. I read a lot and decided to get a Fitbit charge. A bit of an upgrade. I was afraid with the charge HR I would obsess about my heart rate. And I would.
Today was the day from hell. We were so busy. Really busy. They have replaced the 3 page consent to treatment with 3 places to sign to a 7 page little number with 6 different places to sign. I can't begin to explain the added stress.
The day started off with a really mean nasty woman. Coincidentally a co worker (Bonnie I have known her for about 40 years) had an awful patient at about the same time. We both had the same thought.
This will be the one I loose my job over.
We rose above it but, it makes for a irritating start. What is awesome is that we do take a few moments and kind of talk it out with each other ( behind closed doors) you have to process it or it will drive you crazy.
In the end I left with a smile on my face. it was a good day. It is a good team I work with.
It's spring. The days are warmer, the colors are better and I am so excited for the season to come. Pretty soon lilacs will be out! I will stop myself from making violet liquor this year. I still have 6 bottles from last year and it's basically vodka. I can buy vodka, as a matter of fact I have bought vodka before!
I wonder if I can find a violet liquor and what it would taste like....I need to explore this!
So I am off to bed for an early night as Oz and beyond wakes up. So good evening to the north and g'day down under.

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