Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Oo yoo lookin' a'

Who decided that all jackdaws have a Cockney accent?

(The same folk who in 'Spitting Image' decided that the dear old Queen Mum had a Black Country accent? - I'm not saying she didn't).

I'm having a stab at Domestic Goddess today, in lieu of expected guests.

I've progressed as far as a reasonably acceptable blip ;-/

The next hour or two will find me gently poring over a pile of cookery books (seeking 'gorgeous and stunning') and the following hour  will find me madly leafing through old recipes cut from magazines in a scrap book I own, labelled 'quick and easy'.
No doubt the traditional 'sun over the yardarm' Friday time, shall find me queuing in a local supermarket (that rhymes with 'Late Throes') seeking the one elusive ingredient. (Like the harissa paste you were sure you had at the back of the cupboard. Or a preserved lemon). And it's NEVER the same elusive ingredient as the one you needed last time is it?

Still... It's fun isn't it?

ISN'T  it??

The red wine forecast tonight is 'expected late'.
Happy Friday one and all :-)

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