Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Not waving but....

Hanging?...A bee blip for a (mostly) rainy day.

A buildery day.
A making tea and coffee day.
A 'but do you think you'll be able to stop the roof leaking. Ever?' day :-/
An 'I've grazed on too much sugar. Again' day.
A 'what shall we have for supper, because my brain is cotton wool?' day.
A 'why do people expect anyone to watch their mobile phone when they're IN?' day.

An 'OK. Most people DO carry their phones about their person' day.

An 'I wish it was the end of tomorrow already' day.

(I haven't had one of those days since, ooh, my 'O' levels probably).

And isn't it funny, when you wake up in the night, how it's always 1.18?
Just me perhaps?

An 'I SHALL be glad when the builders have gone' day.

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