Because this is who I am

By Brighde

May the force

Well. I've had a very successful weekend of accomplishing nothing. 

Every time I'm like 'C'mon, do your sketchbook or that report that was due two weeks ago' but them I just don't. It's tragic. 

Actually this weekend the ol' Lee came to visit. I say this because we only see each other every two weeks because he lives far away. Apparently it's only going to get easier, still waiting. It's nice when I do see him though, like I suppose distance makes the heart grow fonder, and all that bollocks. 

Anyways, it's my mums 50th and apart from having a thousand breakdowns, we are going out tonight for a meal. Which means I'm busting out the old heated rollers in order to look presentable. All these family occasions require copious amounts of photographs, of which I'm in charge of. 

On that gracious note, I'm off to get those bad boys in place. 

Happy Blipping.

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