The water feature.

I've missed half of the bank holiday with being in bed due to night shifts over the weekend. Was good tho enjoyed my sleep.

I had lunch, trolled the internet, checked my bank account which looks quite favourable so a mistake must be made somewhere!

I visited someone I haven't seen for a while who looked well and was pleased to see me. I visited dad and did some little jobs, Dad went out so I enjoyed the peace and quiet, no telly, washing machine, dishwasher or dryer going just the water running of the water feature and the birds singing.

I sat remembering my mam and thinking of those just starting their journey without theirs. And whilst I was sat there I remembered this scene my mam liked to look at, the garden and water feature.

On return home my elderly neighbour was struggling to tidy up her garden after her husband cut the hedge so I dumped my bag in the kitchen and went out to help her.

So I've had a busy half bank holiday really and feel pleased with my good deeds of the half day.

The only thing missing from my photo is the blackbird that takes a bath in the water feature.

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