
By mrsc48

My lasagne

The cooking jinx strikes again. What could possibly have happened? Well!

We have a guest for tea tommorrow. We've not seen our guest for over a year so I thought I'd make lasagne. It's not hard and I can do it with my eyes closed so what could go wrong?

My guest to be fair said she would be happy with a chippy take away but its no bother to make a lasagne! Usually.

A look in the cupboard and I have no dish, so a trip to asda and we have a dish! So, mince is browned, sauce is added, cheese sauce made from scratch. Touch and go if it would thicken sufficiently but it did not disappoint a perfect consistency, what could go wrong?

So we got the dish, we got the mince, we got the sauce, and the cheese sauce but we got NO lasagne sheets, oh no, we got no lasagne. The main ingredient and we've got none!

So now we got no option than to put everything in separate dishes, cool it then put it in the fridge till tomorrow when we've got time to buy lasagne sheets and make it up properly.

Not a total disaster but a little inconvenient but all is ready to assemble tomorrow. And on a positive note I have successfully cooked a garlic and cheese pizza without burning.

I do hope our guest likes my lasagne.

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