at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Touch your toes

This is Ivy balancing on her bilibo. A fantastic toy recommended by a blip buddy- that Ivy keeps finding new ways to play with. She can now stand on the top, turn around and touch her toes.

I was too tired today to be any fun, I went back to bed all morning- I have no idea what Ivy did to entertain herself in the room for an hour whilst I slept, but then she came and had a nap beside me, before playing a great game called 'SMELLEEEE FEET!' (i'm sure you can imagine how this one goes) 

Ivy has taken this week following her upset tummy to suddenly forget how to sleep. She had reached a fantastic stage of being put in her room at nap time and bedtime and then toddling off into her own bed and sleeping right through- she's decided that's not for her anymore. We're desperatly trying to remedy this in what is probably our last full week without newborns. 

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