at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Daddy time

Euan's back. Ivy was pleased (and so was Euan- I think this photograph captures quite well the father-daughter mutual enthusiasm)

An exciting day for Ivy- she slept all night! from 7pm to 7am in her cot, by herself without a feed. And then she came to bed, had a good feed and then hung out and cuddled.

Morning walk to the allotment- the apricot tree has survived it's aphid infestation (thanks to my smooshing) and now covered in spiders who are hopefully eating the remaining aphids. Gathered some swiss-chard from teh communual bed to add to dinner.

Whilst Ivy was down for her morning nap, John and Maureen who are normally near Stirling but have a holiday home in Ardmair came to the door. I rather narsasitically woke up Ivy to show her off (needed to put her nap schedule forward today for being awake for the arrival of granny grant nayway). She showed herself off very well- standing up all over the place and enjoying learning a new (somewhat sexist) rhyme.

Euan came home and after Ivy's afternoon nap we had quality family time hanging out in the tidy nursery where Ivy practised her standing up without holding to anything- we also played 'BUMPS' with her on the bed. She enjoys being thrown about far too much.

Then we went to collect Granny Grant for the bus- Ivy was very pleased to see Granny Grant (and Granny Grants hat with a flower on it). We went the ceilidh place for cake and since it's the Feis on there was impromptu accapella singing breaking out in the corner. Ivy was very well behaved, she played on the floor before deciding that what she really wanted to do was cuddle calmly into Daddy on his knee and eat and apricot.

She had a fantastic dinner- puddling her hands about in her chilli. She made the most incredible mess and had a great time. Hoping for another night of lots of sleep :)

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