at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

inner ear development

I read a book before Ivy was born called 'active baby, healthy brain' that claimed swinging children about was good for their inner ear development and therefor improves balance. I've taken this as fact. Ivy is being swung here by Euan's friend Annabel who appeared with her partner Nick unexpectadly this evening, since they're passing through Ullapool on an adventure.

I had a glucose tolerence test this morning, to test for gestational diabetes so had to fast and have bloods taken. I managed to weedle the midwife coming round to our house so I wouldn't have to drag myself and Ivy up the street. The test involves having blood taken, taking a glucose drink then getting more bloods taken 2 hours later. Ivy and I went back to sleep in the two hours between testing. 

In the afternoon, we went up to play at Hannah's house. Poor Hannah is suffering with a nasty cold, so wasn't her usual self- Ivy had fun though, when we got dropped back off at our house, she had a bit of a meltdown and howled because Hannah didn't get out the car too. 

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