Occupation : Prince

I did not expect that the title "Her Royal Highness Princess" has to be written in the birth certificate of a princess. I thought that it's just for "royalty purposes" and not as official as a birth certificate. Like the title "Ms" in my case (gosh what a lame comparison!).

Well that was not the only interesting fact that I learned today. A more amazing information from this document in front of you is that fact that the occupation of Her Royal Highness' Father is actually "Prince of the United Kingdom". There cant be too many birth certificates where the occupation of the newborn's parents are "Prince and Princess", can it?

FYI, a copy of the birth certificate is posted in the BBC website. Dont be too excited, I dont have an actual copy of the birth record of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. Gosh that was a mouthful.

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