
By BrownBuddy1

Water, The Exilir of Life

No, this blip is not about drowning a blue tit in the stream. It is about the importance of drinking sufficient water to stay healthy.

Tom had a heart attack a few weeks ago so I was very interested to read an article recently on how drinking water can help to keep your heart healthy.

You should drink a glass of water
1. When you wake up to help activate your internal organs
2. Before taking a bath, it helps to lower your blood pressure.
3. 30 mins before taking a meal, it helps to ward off indigestion.
4. Before going to bed, it helps to avoid a stroke or heart attack during the night. It also helps prevent night time cramps in your legs.

I hope you appreciate the difficulty I had in getting this photo, every time I filled up the glass and strategically positioned it on the rock, both dogs thought it was a signal for them to have a good drink. It was exactly the same water in the stream but of course they didn't believe me when I told them that. They were both determined that the other one was not going to get the prize. 

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