at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Runnee nose

Ivy and I went out early this morning to the polling station. Ivy liked the concept of voting - she asked a lady outside who said hello to her 'vote?' just to check everyone was doing it.

It was ridiculously windy and cold today, ivy kept stopping and turning her back to the wind on the way to tescos- she kept saying 'buy panky' which I couldn't understand because age had pancakes at Home- but she pointed to a box of tissues and I realised she meant tissues because her runny nose was annoying her.

We made English muffins for lunch - ivy kept looking at the mixture in the Kenwood and telling me we needed more flour, because it was a much wetter dough than the sour dough she makes with Euan- turns out I should have listened to her, was far too wet to work with. Aalthough ivy had an amazing time throwing the sticky mess about.

Scan in the afternoon - last one! John gave us a lift again, scan went well, there was a bit of a party atmosphere with people coming out to say bye and insist we bring bring babies in on our way home. Found ivy and John in dobbies with ivy doing coloring in.

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