A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix

Liberation Day

A totally brilliant day in Guernsey! The culmination of months of planning and preparation, for the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Guernsey from German Occupation, came to fruition today.
Although it began dull and grey, the sun didn't let us down and soon began to shine. HRH Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, visited us and we were lucky enough to be able to speak to her as she did a walkabout through town, after unveiling a commemorative stone. My blip shows Sophie and our Baliff, Sir Richard Collas. Great experience!
Absolutely thousands of people packed into town to celebrate. There was a lengthy cavalcade with decorated floats, military vehicles and bands. We had a couple of Sea King helicopters who flew low over St Peter Port, their crew waving to the thousands of people below.
We still have the fireworks to come! A great day to be free!

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