Pop-up clothing "swop"

This ad bike caught my eye on my way back home from hospital.

Today I left the flat at 10.00am to go to St. John's hospital in Livingston for some tests, and got back home at around 7.00pm. As you can see, it wasn't a particularly exciting day off, although it had its moments....

This morning, with three minutes to spare before the bus came, I found out that First buses don't give you change either. I had to rush to the nearest newsagent and buy a chocolate to get some change and then run back to the bus stop. I managed just on time!!! It takes roughly an hour and a half to get to Livingston from Edinburgh. This time I didn't miss my appointment because I phoned up to enquire about it, but I hadn't received the letter, again!!! This meant that I hadn't received the paperwork required that explained everything. Some things I wasn't prepared for, but everything went fine. There were even some hilarious moments. I have to say that the nurses there have a great sense of humour. I have nothing to worry about, by the way...

What happened was that they had my address wrong. So one of my neighbours has been probably getting all those letters and not even bothering to make sure they eventually got to me. Never mind....

I felt rather tired when I got home, so I didn't do much apart from my food shopping.

I took the book I'm reading with me, because I guessed there would be a fair amount of waiting, and I've now reached a really interesting moment in the book, so I'll have to go back to it to see what happens next!!!

Staying in tonight.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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