Spring Explosion

Thank you.

Deepest thanks for all the beautiful words, all the support and encouragement, all your love really. You honoured me deeply on my anniversary blip, which didn't really mark my anniversary, but I guess that doesn't matter. The Gods blessed me with a dramatic photograph when I wasn't even giving a thought to it being a special day.

I guess it shows how disengaged I've become. That's just down to circumstances though, which will change in time, when I'll hopefully be in a position to giving something back to this fabulous community. I owe you all a huge debt of gratitude for keeping me honest to the task. I would have faded away a long time ago if it wasn't for you.

Every year there comes a moment around now when I wake up from a stupor and notice that the landscape has been transformed by colour. I had such an epiphany this morning. It's as if Spring had broken into the world overnight, evicted Winter, and painted all the trees from its palette of vibrant greens. I know it's been happening gradually over the last few weeks but I think I only properly noticed for the first time today. If fits my mood better to remove all that wonderful colour and post this in monochrome. The image is stronger. I see the colour more deeply this way!

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