at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Family v.1

Not a flattering photo of anyone particularly, but this is probably the last photo of us the first version of our family. 

 Went with Granny Grant to a poetry/prose reading by Lisa as part of Ullapool's book festival. It was very good, I hadn't realised just how talented our friend was before. Euan had to take Ivy out, not because she was being nuaghty but because she was so excited to see Finlay and Nuala she kept calling for them. She got to go play at their house for an hour afterwards though, with Rowan, this was good, because I'm not sure if we could have persauded Ivy to come straight home. we met up with them again, in a very cold marquee for coffee and cake. 

After Granny Grant put her down for her afternoon nap, Ivy and she made blueberry muffins. Ivy discovered a love of frozen blueberries and ended up looking like she's lost a fight with a fountain pen. 

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