at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Bedtime baby

In contrast with yesterday picture of us flagrantly disregarding bedtimes- her is one of Ivy minutes before she got put down for bed. Now she's getting so good in the evenings, we've put a bedtime story- read upstairs in her dim nursery- into the routine (and have ordered a boxset of Dr Suess books especailly). I love how sticky up her hair is after her bath.

Ivy slept late after being up so late last night- but has done really well today despite having less sleep. She looks tired, but she's certainly not acting it. I temporarily misplaced her today (she's small and very mobile, it's easily done) and when I said 'where's Ivy?' she popped her head in the door and said 'Eh?' so she's very much her usual self.

Did some work in the garden this afternoon, I'd drafted Euan into collecting me some Pony Piddle covered straw from the woods to build hot beds (for courgettes) but the car has a puncture, so I asked on the Ullapool facebook page if anyone could collect it for me. 15 minutes later and the garden had a pile of very ripe smelling straw. I do love Ullapool. All it cost us was two bottles of wine and the promise of a courgette if I manage to grow any.

The nappy that we won with our flying superman pictute came in the post today. Very exciting.

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