
I spent way too much time this afternoon napping and watching golf. I knew when I kept drifting off during the preacher's sermon this morning...that I might take a Sunday afternoon nap.

My Detroit Tigers lost to the evil empire (the New York Yankees), but another Tiger won the golf tourney. Tiger Woods. He evidently has cut back on his hookers, and has been practicing. He looked good. I went downstairs and said to my wife..."Tiger's going to win." "She answered back..."That's too bad." He has a long way to go to win back his fans.

After taking a picture behind my house of these weeds...I am now watching A League of Their Own for the 53rd time. "Are you crying? There's no crying in baseball!!" It's real annoying watching it with me when I recite the lines before the actors say them.

Have a great week!

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