twinned with trumpton


Long busy day
Started at 7; plotted my day; did battle with stupidity and ineptitude of First Utility (I know enough on this subject to know they are masters in their chosen field) and was so enraged I had to go out at lunchtime and fume quietly.

I came back suitably calmed.

An afternoon of e mails and phone calls, then the final 3 hours til 8 was ploughing through a backlog of mail.

So 13 hours after starting, I grabbed shower, a hummus and cucumber wrap and fled into the dazzling late evening sunshine to do a Cigs blip with Pensioner. Actually, it was a barely disguised ruse to get to drink beer on a Wednesday night.

I had arranged to meet him on the bridge at 9; I got there at 3 minutes to 9, and walked around to the bridge at the end of Dundee Street, took a couple of testers and then who should stumble into the shot but the man himself. He looked around, slightly lost, so I went to retrieve him.

Greetings done, he asked about doing the shot. I said never mind, we'll do it another time, there's football to be watched...!

2 hours of convivial chat and sharing of tenuous sleb connections, I was home via the cycle path on a cool calming evening. Gotta go back that way on visits in the morning - I should have just stayed...

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