at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

'Cuddle Briar!'

Ivy's first meeting with Briar couldn't have gone better. She asked to cuddle her and said 'thank you' trying to carry he off into the corner - we was impressed with her tiny hands and wanted to be where she could look at her all the time. When a baby in another room cried, Ivy rushed over to check it wasn't her baby that was crying.

Euan went to sleep elsewhere after willow left on the plane to Aberdeen hospital early in the morning, so I was on my own at 8am when I got the call to say shed arrived at Aberdeen.

Our plan for shifting Briar across involved getting a lie flat car seat brought down from Ullapool as she is too small a premature to sit up for a 3 hour car drive. We had one in the loft from bringing Ivy home f rom the hospital, and our neighbour kindly helped Granny Grant retrieve it whilst Becky and Lisa helped her pack hers and Ivy's stuff so they could get a bus to Inverness to meet us and give car seat before getting train onto Aberdeen. We owe a great deal of thanks to a lot of people. Was amazing seeing ivy - she really lifted the mood.

Euan managed to get enough of a nap ( the nurses found him a room) that he was able to drive and we set off for Aberdeen. was a nice drive, weather was lovely and it felt oddly like going on a holiday. I suppose it's always nice taking your baby out of hospital even if it's towards the wrong direction from home. BRiar slept the whole way there and only decided she was hungry when we pulled into a kfc d rive through just before the hospital. She had her first ride in a stretchy baby carrier, tied to Euan's chest on the way into the hospital. They've given us our room on a labour ward - Euan has a little folding camp bed. We went down to see Willow in neonatal, she'd not been having an easy day since she arrived and was now on high levels of oxygen and nitric oxide and was vibrating as they had her lungs oscillating at 300 breaths per minute.

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