at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

'Rarrr! I'm a tikka troll!'

There are far too many pictures of Ivy looking cute in the public domain now- it sets unrealistic standards for other babies to match so i'm redressing the balance. Here she is enjoying her lunch, which was cold leftover curry. She really really enjoyed it, when I told Euan (who had made it) this we realised it was becuase it contained both mango and cream- two of her favourite ingredients.

Ivy practised climbing the stairs today- it's the first time she's done it by herself without trying to reach something specific. Worryingly, when she reached the top she then started to come back down again- head first. It's a skill that needs more practise I think.

She's got another impressive bruise on her forehead, accompnaied by a proper bump from where she was supervising the hanging up of washing and pulled herself up on the pole of the washing line and slipped. I'm hoping the lesson she takes from this is that it's okay to dance on poles, provided you wear a helmet. I took her inside after her accident and let her watch Euan hang up the washing up through the window- she kept hitting the window and shouting for him.

I snuck up to see Ivy's massage tonight (her daddy time) and got to see her preemptive face wrinkling when he plays 'round and round the garden'. Supremely cute! She sat up to let him rub her back and cuddled her head into him whilst he did it. Wish I got a nightly massage....

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