A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Spot the stick

For me and Anna today has largely been spent under duvets blowing our dripping noses. Not inspiring for a picture so here's some beautiful blue sky during my early evening walk with Albi. Makes a change from the walk to school where we got soaked through which I'm not sure helped with the sneezing. The brighter afternoon walk may have helped though. It's not hard to see why people say dogs are good for your health.

In contrast tomorrow I barely have time to pause for breathe so I'm hoping a very early night and a dose of Night Nurse will shake this cold off.

Jackson is doing drugs & alcohol at school this week* and filling in his form for our secondary school meeting tomorrow brought up pornography and racism (they sign an agreement not to indulge in such things on the Internet) so we had some interesting pre bedtime discussions. I took drugs and left pornography to Carl. Seemed a fair division.

Lesley x

*perhaps taking the post SATs relaxing a little far

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