A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Today's lesson

I can't remember the exact details but when Carl was a kid he was on holiday with his parents and at some evening entertainment thing he answered some quiz question unexpectedly correctly and the DJ quizmaster asked him his name and where he was from and from then on called him Clever Carl from Warrington.

Today CCfW struck gold. He called it completely correctly and Jackson has been diagnosed with cortisol deficiency. Some of his readings from the 24hour profile were so low it is a wonder we have made it this far without blue lighting him to hospital. Though apparently in the future that is exactly what we should do if he ever crashes again. But hopefully that won't happen as I am sitting in the coffee shop opposite the hospital waiting for his prescription and he will start taking the cortisol artificially in the form of hydrocortisone from this evening. It may take a while to kick in and to get his dose exactly right but it is huge progress and just amazing to have a concrete explanation for everything he has been suffering with and something real to work with.

I am overwhelmed with relief. And love and gratitude for CCfW.

As you may have spotted The Perseverance is a pub and you may be wondering why I'm not in there. That is a fair wonder and I did consider it but I still need to be useful for about 3 more hours. And then I will be heading out to buy CCfW a pint. Or two.

Thank you for being such amazing supportive blip mates. I am also relieved to not have to let down the bliposphere with lack of good news!

Lesley x

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