
By JoppaStrand

Porty People and Places

Having been reminded by Blipper Lady Findhorn not to judge a dog by its age I feel obliged to feature V and J's Lagotto called Jumble. She is quite a Rare Breed and is a tireless beach runner. 

I am not a great fan of dogs as they usually chase me on the beach but I did take the advice from Blipper 24heuer that the liver cakes sold at the cafe at the far end of the promenade are a great treat for all our canine friends. 

Sadly for Jumble, just before we got to the cafe to buy her a treat she decided to help herself to another dog's treat. I still bought the liver cake - it did not go to Jumble but to the owner of the dog whose treat Jumble had eaten!!

After V + G set off for the west I was busy with work at home and then in town for the rest of the day. 

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