Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Underneath the old olive tree

We caught the bus to Palma in preparation for a very early flight tomorrow. We found our accommodation easily but then discovered our room had a problem and we had been booked into another hotel. This hotel was in between the bus and train station. It has a certain faded glory if peeling paint and broken lamps can be described as such. However the room is clean. I don't know if I will sleep tonight as it feels like having pitched a tent in the middle of Piccadilly Circus such is the noise! However I am sure travellers take such things in their stride so I determined to do the same. We walked through the old town to the cathedral but did not go in. As a churchgoer I do not mind voluntary contributions for upkeep etc but I do not expect to pay an entrance fee. It was the same for the cloisters and the ecclesiastical museum. I did visit an interesting contemporary art museum (which was free) and am looking forward to going tonight to the tapas bar I found that has good recommendations.

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