
Meet William, my new car (all will be explained).

Mr A planted the new car seed in my head a few months ago, when my car turned 5 years old. 'Are you going to trade it in while you still get a decent amount for it, or run it into the ground?' he asked.

Since I only do just over 5000 miles a year, running it into the ground seemed like mission impossible, so I decided to start looking to see what I might fancy next.

I like cars, but there wasn't a particular one that sprang to mind when I thought about changing my corsa.

I definitely wanted something sporty (fast) and considered maybe a convertible, but since Mr A has Cav, I decided against that so that our days out in Cav will be something special.

A couple of cars caught my eye, but then they seemed to be everywhere (Mini, Audi, Citroen), and I wanted something a little different.

Nor did I want to be hasty; I bought my corsa on a whim (without even test driving it! Huge mistake) and regretted it soon after. Thinking a 1.2 petrol model would be comparable to my previous 1.4 turbo diesel was foolish, as I discovered crawling up a moderate incline at 40mph!

That's when I found William.

He's an Alfa Romeo, Giulietta and boy can he move! You can probably guess where I'm going with the name (Romeo, Juliet) and the last bit of the reg is WMM, so I just thought of Shakespeare!

I've had a couple of test drives, and also had a look at other models in the Alfa range, but William was the one that grabbed me.

I asked Mr A to check him out for me and also take him for a test drive as he knows more about cars than me. He was smitten too!

It's been a long week waiting to collect him from the garage; I think Mr A has been more excited than me, especially at the prospect of a car he actually wants to drive (he refused to drive my corsa), and it means we can use my car more too.

Despite being a 2 litre engine, it's economical on fuel and only £30 a year road tax! Insurance wasn't much more either which really surprised me.

Although I'll miss my little corsa, especially the heated seats; William has quite a few extras that more than make up for that.
Climate control will be a blessing as Mr A always complains I have the car too hot; he can now have his side as hot or cold. Or should that be 'As you like it'?!

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