The Grace of the Day

Boys in the Lakes Day 3
There were moments towards the end of yesterdays epic Lakes run when I wondered if I’d ever walk again let alone run the day after.
After a more leisurely breakfast and then sitting chatting (postponing) we planned  a run for the day as we looked at the map.
“how about we run out of the door across this group of fells to the Langdales and back via Grasmere, I’ve never run that route before?”
“but there’s no route on the map”,
“oh we’ll just find one……”
I wasn’t as sure.
I should have known, the fells were on our side this weekend, and a path appeared and then another that took us on our loop. Yet again the fells had given up to us only grace.
There was running, and jogging and walking and endless conversation and heart lifting beauty and chocolate mackaroons and then a late lunch at Wilfs.
Despite the aching limbs we came home more whole than when we left and with plans to do the same and not to put off that which makes us more rather than less.
I’ve for too many months lost in my daily lived experience the reality that there is sufficient grace for the day. Bob(earthdreamer) and Jon thanks for your generosoity of spirit, your companionship, your humility,  your sense of adventure and helping me remember that there is always........... Grace for the Day.

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