at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


We cracked open the celebratory baby Ham today - we've only got briar home, but it's a start.

I had an exhausting day home alone with a Newborn and a toddler - realised how hard it was going to be when j went to the toilet and came back to ivy on top of briar 'cuddling' her.

Took them to church playgroup, ivy was very much back to her usual confident self instantly and briar was much admired. Did some tandem babywearing and we went to Tesco to get stuff to make minestrone soup for lunch. Discovered I couldn't cook unless I wrapped briar - thank goodness for baby wearing.

Health visitor came to weigh briar, who has stuck to the same centile line as birth.

Granny grant arrived (with John) just in time for dinner, she's staying till Saturday then swapping with pops.

I'm trying desperately to express enough milk for willow, but finding the time round two other children is hard. Going back in to see willow again tomorrow and hoping shell start to ' take it from the source'

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